Business Energy Efficiency Renewable Technologies Program

Business Energy Efficiency & Renewable Technologies Program

NYSEG and RG&E will provide supplemental assistance to eligible business customers participating in energy efficiency / renewable / clean energy technologies programs offered by the Companies or the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).

Supplemental assistance provided under this program will be over-and-above incentives, rebates, and other assistance provide to customers by the Companies or NYSERDA and will be used to fund energy efficiency/renewable technologies studies/analyses and/or implementation of energy efficiency/renewable technologies measures.

Renewable technologies program assistance may include, but is not limited to different forms of electrification, solar resources, energy storage, and electric vehicles. 

In addition, this program will provide supplemental assistance for workforce development/training associated with energy efficiency and renewable/clean energy technologies.

Supplemental assistance provided under this program will be up to $20,000 toward a study/analysis and up to $50,000 toward implementation of a study/analysis. The customer will also be required to make a financial contribution of at least 33.33% toward total investment made.

  • Facility must be within the Companies’ service areas.
  • Applicant must be current in payments to the Company or have a deferred payment agreement which is in place and current.
  • Business use must be classified under the following general categories: agriculture*, forestry, fishing, mining, manufacturing, wholesale trade durable goods, wholesale trade non-durable goods, finance, insurance, real estate, business services, clean technologies, regional warehouses and distribution centers, colleges/universities and hospitals/health care facilities**, and certain projects that are endorsed by one of the ESD’s Regional Economic Development Councils and/or the Governor’s office.

*Agriculture includes the craft beverage industry for wineries, distilleries, micro-breweries, farm cideries, etc. 

**Colleges/universities and health care facilities must demonstrate that project for economic development assistance goes beyond typical educational facilities/dormitories/traditional health care occupancy and promotes research and development and/or state-of-the-art technologies/best practices, centers of excellence, that foster regional economic development benefits.

Please contact a NYSEG/RG&E economic development representative to check on the availability of funding assistance under the economic development programs. Click here to email us.

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