Economic Development Strategic Outreach Program

Economic Development Strategic Outreach Program

NYSEG and RG&E will invest up to $150,000 per initiative on strategic economic development outreach projects primarily focusing on attracting new business investment into the companies’ service areas.

  • Must be a 50 % matching fund from federal, state, local and/or private sources.
  • Recipients must be a state, regional or local economic development organization within the companies’ service areas.
  • Initiative must promote a specific asset or group of assets that enhance the competitiveness of a specific company service area or all of Upstate New York.
  • Project must be targeted to decision makers who can influence the attraction of new jobs and new business investment within the companies’ service areas.
  • Project must not duplicate or replace previously existing initiatives.
  • Research initiatives must involve action items such as clearly defined industry targets, promotional messages, or other materials that facilitate recipient documentation
  • Limited to initiatives such as: 
    • Trade show, professional trade/business meetings, tours, etc. 
    • Sales missions 
    • Advertising and direct mailings 
    • Special events and promotions 
    • Research and analysis
    • Ambassador programs
    • Reports to community leaders
    • Early stage planning for site preparation and/or feasibility studies that prepare assets to be marketed for both new and existing sites (may include the Build Now-NY Program and Shovel Ready Certification process)
    • Labor assessments and/or marketing activities associated with workforce/talent management from a regional perspective and to incorporate equity development, diversity, and inclusivity in the workforce and talent pool

Please contact a NYSEG RG&E economic development representative to check on the availability of funding assistance under the economic development programs. Click here to email us.

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